I'm a huge fan of Yo-Yo Mah. I often share a story in my talks about how watching him in 2017 kinda changed my life, prompting me to "find more flow" for myself and helping other professionals do the same!
A recent New York Times Magazine article from Nov. 29 added to my admiration. In it, he’s quoted as saying, “The only way to avoid burnout is to care about where you are… Being present…. That’s what I’m thinking about with every interaction. Whether it’s a kid, someone on the street, in a concert hall…. It’s the same thing: How to be present.”
There is so much truth to what he’s describing. Being present (rather than worrying about yesterday or tomorrow), but rather engaging fully in the here and now, is so powerful in terms of helping us keep our focus where it matters most. And then layering in the element of actually “caring” about every interaction we have, and doing our best to give the present moment our “all” is some of the best coaching advice for building resiliency and persevering through adversity that I’ve come across this year.
I’m going to be practicing this deliberately over the holidays, and I’m looking forward to what I learn! I hope you’ll join me on that journey.