Are you working from home or living at work?

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I love this check-in question! I heard it from a client yesterday, and it got me thinking about where essential boundaries may have slipped since the start of all this... and how we need to be evaluating how those boundaries are working for us regularly. Here are some coaching questions that may help you redefine healthy boundaries:

1) Think about structure - when should my work day start and end, and how can I be more disciplined about committing to turning off my work devices? (Just because you can work for 12 hours a day non-stop, doesn't mean you should)

2) Think about space - how can I re-orient my work space to create a sense of separation between work and the rest of my life (even if you don't have a door, what about a room divider?) What about my work space have I been tolerating that is driving me crazy that I will commit to fixing now because working from home isn't going to end anytime soon?

3) Think about routine - when should I be aiming to be in bed to get enough sleep? What is the consistent time I should get up? How about breaks - do I take them? Do I move around enough? What am I willing change in my daily routine to enhance my well-being? 

In the words of Yo-Yo Mah

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